
Google Search Tips

I have some tips for you to GoogleAm giving you the best results can be found in Google searchAre .

1 . If you want to search a word in Google and youThey want Google to search only the word of a particular siteFor this, you simply need to type in the search box , for example,You just have to search on the word bollywood yahoo.comYou simply type in to search -bollywood site: www.yahoo.comSearch Google Yahoo then you show the same results .2 . If you want to search the sites for which he addressesYour word is related , for example the hindi wordIf you want to search the sites in the search box type Yun -allinurl: hindiWhich will address the same sites in the Google Searchhindi word comes .3 . Example if you want Google to search only filesPdf files related to the search term you want to hindiSimply type in the search box - hindi filetype: pdf will search google then youPdf files only show of your search today , and direct you toYou can also download .

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