
Secure your important data without Software

If you want to do your important data on your computer
Second person looking for some ways to reduce you to a certain extent its
Keep important data safe from others, even without any software.

1. first of all they way most work. In the folder
Lock is not rather hidden. The file or folder
Clicking on the write property to hide. now go to the bottom of the
Check the hidden, by then apply OK. Tools in the top toolbar now
Now click on options then go to folder window open with view on
In the advanced setting do not click now show hidden files and folders to
Select and apply by OK. now your folder from your place
Will anyone else not see it will get back to that folder for the folder.
Show hidden files and folders in the options window to select.

2. in the file or folder is password lock file.
To lock the folder then send to compressed write
Click the folder (zipped). Now will become the second zip folder with the same name
Open the folder. Now go to the file menu at the top from there add a password to
Select. Now its discretion by giving the password OK. Now your casts
Without the password file or folder will not open.

3. this method is a little less secure. in the folder is hidden. but the folder
Your place is not deleted from there just glance dhoka and common computer
User doesn't see it. Hide the folder for it click on the write
Type alt 255 to rename by now do enter by keyboard now
Without the name of the folder will be created. Now go click on write property
Then click on customise then click on change icon below. you now
The front will come in a lot of empty icon from the icon look that doesn't see anything
Is giving select. then apply then OK.

Now your folder will then not malum vahin will easily but others
There are no folders. Another way these three methods is the most secure.

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