
Your e-mail is protected of hackers ?

Your e-mail is protected from the eyes of hackers , you have made arrangements to secure your email . If the answers to all these questions is no , then save your personal information at any time in the mail can be hacked by hackers . In the world numerous hackers are trying to hack your emails , many of which have succeeded .It is important to keep in mind the safety of your mail .

Your e-mail provider , read the informationAll major e-mail providers such as Yahoo , Gmail and Microsoft sites give all information related to the security of the mail . If ever your mail id is hacked by mail in your mail service provider's Help section to read the details . Such mail should do after being hacked ? , Or whether it be your password or username molt , or any viruses that may come into your PC, open the mail is not getting .
Your e-mail provider Call
If your mail is hacked call Prawaid your email . All e-mail providers are given in Customer Care phone number on their site .
Let your friends and family members informedAfter being hacked mail your friends and family to communicate this to other members . Lest the wrong mail your mail to your friends or any personal information in the mail and demanded the money you should be taken.Set the settings of mail and SikyonritiMail to avoid being hacked by your mail spam mail security settings and make other settings . In addition to his bank account and other information such as phone numbers saved in the folder , keep safe .
Change your password and user IDIf your e-mail ID, user ID and password and change it if enough people know your mail id and password Strang far as possible , keep the strong . Your name or telephone number or account user name and password or create a never hack it because no one can steal your mail .Your e-mail Czech fold theYour e-mail account to monitor and do whatever rubbish mail , delete it . Occasionally frivolous waste sites and several promotional offers continues, we will delete mail or slowly accumulate such fairs and so will you tough to Dudne mail your urgent mail to you in such I will have to open .

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