
View the full details of the system in one place

When you buy a new computer, assembled to provide youContains all the information about him in her Konsa motherboard , processor ,

Judy RAM etc. But if you buy Sekandhand computerThe information and shopkeepers who said you do not trust himHave . Opened a cabinet and a Czech part is tedious .The property 's information system , etc. Usually we ProcessorGo to see but there is limited information and oftenWrong . Changing expert and allow this information to p-3p-4 indicate that this way we become victims of deception .But our system of assistance to those tools in WindowsRight to know what information the same place as you can .1 . Go to start Go to first run the type dxdiag then OK againPlease be fully informed of your system will come before you now .2 . Go to start all programs the mouse over again nowThe program will list the mouse on your accessoriesMove the mouse over the list of system tools systeminformation can click the little details of your systemYou will come out .

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