
How to make your blog fast

So this trick you can accelerate your blog, your blog will open faster than ever want to take a look at a time try

The first and most important thing is that you can protect your current blog so if you have any difficulty in the future to secure your blog template, blogs from the Design dashboard > backup to Edit HTML, visit the "download full theme" blog template and click on save on your computer.
After you Edit the HTML page by going to </head>
Find the code you can also use Ctrl F Key.

Now just above it

<script src='http:\/\/thedigitalvilla.googlecode.com\/files\/getridgoogle.js' type='text\/javascript'\/>

Paste the code here.

Now your code will look something like this

<script src='http:\/\/thedigitalvilla.googlecode.com\/files\/getridgoogle.js' type='text\/javascript'\/>

All you need to do and your blog will be intensified.

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